The meeting was officially opened by Lion Pete Vander Linden
King Mel’s Questions of the Day:
On this day in 1892, Francis Bellamy was published for what writing? The Pledge of Allegiance.
In 1977, President Jimmy Carter signed what instrument that many still feel was his biggest mistake. Giving the Panama Canal to Panama
Today’s meeting’s primarily purpose was to review Logger’s Playday events and to insure we are ready. Of the three major projects: Button sales, Salmon BBQ and Concessions, we found that we are set to go, but could always use additional help in the concession stands (speak to Pete Hegg) and at the Salmon BBQ (speak to Ed Wayman). We still do not know if there will be any consideration on price afforded to us on the salmon, but we should know more on Wednesday. The price of the tickets is $15.00 per person and 10.00 for a child.
On Thursday, September 10th, there will be a potato scrub and peanut bagging at the Washington School – 5:30 PM
Friday, set up of BBQ equipment and moving of concession equipment to Washington School – 2 PM
Saturday, Wrap hot dogs and prepare for sales for concessions at 12:00 Noon.
Salmon BBQ will have the pits fired up at 1:00 PM Lions Morgan and McFeeley will have coleslaw from Duffy’s, Wayman and Lanning will pick up potatoes from Swansons and dinner will be served from 2:00 PM to 6:30 PM.
A very busy time of year. Please take every advantage to sell Rain Derby tickets at this time.
In conclusion, Lion Larry Jones, not to be out done by King Lion Mel, fired off trivia questions in such rapid succession that I was only able to get about half written, but here is what I do have: The following nick names of these people:
Paul Hornung: Golden Boy
Jim Hunter: Catfish Hunter
John Wooden Wizard of Westwood
Pete Marovich Pistol Pete
Pete Rose Charlie Hustle
Ty Cobb Georgia Peach
Ken Stabler The Snake
Harold Reece PeeWee Reece
Willy Mays: Say Hay Kid
A 3 Wood Spoon
David Jones Deacon Jones
Joe Namath Broadway Joe
Ted Williams Splendid Splinter
The Pot: Lion Gerald McFeeley. Sadly, he had a prior engagement and even though Lion Morgan volunteered to deliver it to him, it was a no go.