May 26,2015 Al Bruun reporting
King Lion Seppo called the meeting to order. Pam Pelan was a guest. She also did the photos of the student of the month kids and took picture of the newly installed benches on the main drag.
The highway clean up went off with out a hitch.
June 6th Clearwater charter a Lake Quinault rain forest building.
June 8 Aberdeen charter.
June 18 instellation dinner.
See Jerry S. for sign ups.
Program was all the students of the month for lunch. Seppo related what the Lions club did and was all about and the history. The students stud and said their name and where they were going to college. At the close, they all sat or a formal group picture taken by Pam Pelan.
Pot was won by Jerry S.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
The meeting was called to order and the opening led by Lion Pete Vander Linden.
- The highway clean-up on Longren Pass will be on May 20th beginning at 1:00 PM.
- Lion/Mayor Jack Durney is working on the photo op for publicity on the recently installed benches within the city.
- Installation of officers dinner to be held at the Hoquiam Elks Lodge on June 18, 2015, 5:30 PM Social Hour with 6:30 PM dinner. There is a choice of steak or salmon. Please sign up at earliest convenience or call Lion Jerry directly.
- Clearwater Installation/Charter dinner to be held on June 6th at the Salmon House on the South Shore of Lake Quinault. 5:30 PM
- Aberdeen Installation/Charter dinner to be held on June 8th at the Rotory Log Pavilion at 6:00 PM
- Scholarship committee has complete its selection of recipients and they will be awarded to the 5 students on Senior day by Lion Chris Eide.
- This coming Tuesday, May 26th, all of the 2014/2015 students of the month will be present for recognition.
Today’s program was the granddaughter of Lion Jack Strom, Molly (Curry) Bold. The bold family has been in the Grays Harbor fishing industry for over 100 years. Molly spoke of how the fishing is a 276 Million Dollar industry within Washington State and how in 2013, over 139 Million lbs of fish were processed through Westport. However, most people do not know of the importance of fishing is to both the Harbor and the State. She is among a group that has established “We Fish” which promotes fishing on the harbor. The are doing so by helping to maintain Fisherman’s Memorial, Supporting the Blessing of the fleet and speaking at organizations such as ours.
The Pot
Ed Wayman – Not here, so the pot will be carried to next week.