October 21st Newsletter

Meeting was called to order by King Lion Seppo and opening songs and pledge were led by Lion Pete Vander Linden.

There were no guests at today’s meeting.


Lion Mel Thompson has returned home and felt strong enough to pick up a pack of Rain Derby Tickets. Go Mel!!

Jan Erickson (Jerry’s wife) is home from her second surgery and all is going well.

The Cosmopolis Lions Club has now become a part our zone (19-G) as well as the Willapa Harbor Lions Club. (Formerly the Raymond and South Bend Lions clubs)

Lions Jack Strom, Jerry McFeeley and Seppo Tuominen attended the District conference held in Ocean Shores.  More information will follow.

A note of thanks from Mrs. Chang regarding our fulfilling her sight needs with an appointment and glasses.


Donald J. Seil, Project manager for the Pacific Region of Genesee & Wyoming Railroad spoke today. The Pacific Region consists of two railroads each in California, Oregon and Washington.  Our local railway, Puget Sound & Pacific Railroad, began in 1997 delivering 2,800 cars and has increased to 36,000 cars in 2013.

Safety is number one for PS & P. The railway has adopted the Dupont safety method and has attained a safety record that not only surpasses the national average for other short track companies, but also exceeds the record of Class 1 railways.  In addition they are promoting Operation Life Saver to educate and inform the public in the safe methods surrounding train traffic.

There was some discussion of the oil port and the railway’s part in transporting oil. Although the approval of the oil is outside of the Railway’s power, they are striving to update track as much as possible.  $4.3 million was spent in 2013, and an additional $4.7 million is slated for the upcoming 18 months.

A very informative program and much appreciated as Mr. Seil drove from Salem, Oregon to speak at our meeting.

The Pot: Paula Dean.  Paul A. Dean tried to collect, but no deal.

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