October 7, 2014
Al Bruun reporting.
King Lion Seppo called the meeting to order. Singing was not that great
Birthdays – Pete V. Seppo Ken Johnson.
Zone meeting this thursday 6:00 at Ocean Palace.
Rain derby – handed out assignments to get ads for Drizzle.
Programs for Nov – Pete H and Ed R.
Students of the month next week.
Paul Dean told about his next trip. He will be going to Honduras. He will take about 2,000 glasses and be gone for 10 days. There are 8 or 9 people in the crew.
Seppo read a passage about the kindness program that was in the Lions magazine an written by the international president. Very good article.
Rudy reflected on his comming to America from Crotia in 1928.
Dee Johnson claimed to pot.