January 31, 2017  Al Bruun reporting

King Lion Gary called the meeting to order.

Feb 10th – crab clean 9:30 – feed at 6:00 cosi lions $2000 – potluck- see Larry

Feb 16 – zone meeting 6:00.

March 23 – 75th charter party  5:30  steak or salmon.

Joann was presented with 15 year pin.

Program – roger Rada from consulting firm for new school super.We discussed and filled out a question form on what the position description and leadership profile.for a new super. Everyone had input. Lots of good comments.

Pot – Bud


January 24, 2017  Al Bruun reporting

King Lion Gary called the meeting to order.

FEB 10th – crab prep 10:00 – crab feed 6:00 cosi lions – pot luck – see Larry J. sign up

Special program next week – panel to ask what everyone wants in a new school super.

Program – Ed Coyle introduced Stan Pennik and Kayla Dunlap from the port commission This was an update from the last visit (a couple of years ago). The port commission has been around for 105 years and they told us what ti currently going on, The Port is involved in 7 lines of business. Each line was explained along with the new deep draft to enable ships to fill up 100% instead of 60%.There has been a good amount of growth in the last couple of years with almost 100 ships coming to the port. This was a great amount of information. Good job Kayla and Stan!

Pot – Greg Grun


January 17, 2017  Al Bruun reporting

King Lion Gary called the meeting to order. Jerry  E. did a great job of leading the singing

Birthdays -Jerry S. and Ken Spaur

Crab feed Feb 10th at Cosi Lion at 5:30  cost will be $20.00 per person. Please sign up with Larry. packaging crab the 10th at 10:00 at Lytals oyster shack.

The meeting on the 31st wil be a discussion on what to look for in a new school super.

Program – Paul Dean introduced Monica Ewimg and Samantha Resler from Durney Insurance who talked about health care. What is going to happen when the new President is in office.? This is unknown at this time. It all costs more and their are less choices. So the advise is to shop around. This was an awful lot of information to understand. One could call or visit Monica at her office.

Pot- Jerry S,



January 10  Al Bruun reporting

King Lion Gary called the meeting to order.

Birthdays – George Powers and Jerry Schaefer

It was announced that it was John Larson week.

Jack Strom has a car he wants to sell.

Students of the month – Katie Mudd and Ryan Espadal.

Program – Roger Smith presented the checks to the rain derby winners.

Pot – Joann, but she was not here.


January 3, 2017  Al Bruun reporting

King Lion Gary called the meeting to order.

As we had no birthday list or anyone that would admit to their birthday, we will do birthdays next week.

Guests –  Brett Pelan ( college xmas break ) and Glenn Thompson.

Chris invited everyone to the school directors meeting at 5:60 Thursday – learn about the process for a new superintendant..

Jerry E. read the history of St. Patrick day.

No program – but we had several jokes.

Next meeting – students of the month and rain derby winners.

Pot – Tracy Pelan


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